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Management company for business: opportunities, options and risks
The inclusion of a management company in the legal business model is a common phenomenon. As a rule, the management staff of a business is one and it is impossible to divide it between companies. This always leads to the need to search for such a management option, when the owner retains control and influence both on the entire business as a whole and on any of its segments. Despite the economic independence of each subject of the group. This is how a common management company appears. But, as always, important nuances cannot be dispensed with. Continue reading
How to receive dividends regularly and without harm to the company
If the company makes a profit, then the owner of the business can receive dividends. But it is often not clear how much you can withdraw and how to do it correctly so that all the money does not suddenly run out.
At Boring Finance, we manage to do things in such a way that it is not scary. Today I will tell you step by step how the regular payment of dividends to our owners, Serezha Krasnov and Sasha Afanasiev, is organized. Continue reading
How do I get multiple deductions in one year?
Let us remind you that the tax deduction gives you the right to return the income tax previously paid to the budget or reduce the tax payable.
You can get a deduction only if you are a tax resident of the Russian Federation and pay personal income tax on a certain type of income. Until 2021, a deduction could be obtained for any type of income taxed at a rate of 13%. And since 2021, the rules have changed – now the list of income from which you can get a deduction has been significantly reduced. In addition to the salary received under employment contracts and GPC contracts, the calculation includes income received from the lease of property, from the provision of various services and some other income. Continue reading