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Most Effective Methods

Three main rules
First of all, let’s look at three rules that you need to keep in mind when looking for the right channel to promote your business.

The cost of acquiring a customer must be recouped
Investments may not pay off from the first transaction, but the average cost of attraction should be less than the funds that one paying client brings you for the entire period of interaction with your product (product, work, service).

Focus on long-term work with new clients
You should have little interest in one-time purchases. This is not only about the fact that the cost of attracting such customers is quite high, but also about the fact that you should tell the customer as much as possible about your product before the first sale – that is, spend your time and effort on it. One-time purchases alone will not lead you to business growth, the effectiveness of investing in promotion will not be maximum.

Work in the acquisition channel that suits you should be constantly optimized
You can’t run ads once and get a steady flow of customers at the same price. You will regularly need to spend a resource: finances (to allocate funds for promotion), time (for example, to check the relevance of trade offers in advertising, the optimal settings – who sees ads, where, when, the competitive environment), etc. Acquisition channels are regularly updated, and you need to either track trends and changes in these channels yourself, or turn to experts (services, agencies).

Trends in channels and methods of attraction in 2021
I will give the most relevant channels and methods of attraction. Whether they are suitable for your business depends on its specifics. Many factors will affect the effectiveness of the channel: where your target audience most often spends time, how much one client attracted in the channel costs for your topic, what commercial requests you want to promote, what kind of budget you have for attracting, etc. Each channel and method costs check empirically, optimizing exactly for your needs.

SEO promotion (promotion in Yandex and Google search)
To many, SEO sounds like something outdated, complicated, and ineffective, but it’s not. If you work with this channel correctly, then SEO will become one of the most promising tools for your business over the years. This is a channel through which you can attract the most interested audience, and an extensive one. The bottom line is that you are promoting your resource in the top of Yandex and Google search engines, and the higher its position, the more traffic you get.

The trend of SEO promotion now is an integrated approach – work on external and internal ranking factors. External factors are understood as work with a reference environment: your resource (whether it be a website, a group on VKontakte or a blog on YouTube) should be referred to by the most authoritative sites. In this case, the position of your resource in the search will grow and approach the top. But this is achievable with the high quality of the resource itself – which requires work on internal ranking factors. These factors include the entire technical component of the site, ease of use, page loading speed, etc.

For several years now, the trend for search promotion in Yandex and Google has also been the content component of the site (or any other “landing” page): if a user is looking for “babysitting services in Nizhny Novgorod”, then when going to your site for such When requesting, he expects to see a page with a description of childcare services and specifically in Nizhny Novgorod. In addition, a potential client wants to get the most understandable and concise description of a product or service, find out the price, methods of delivery, etc. When this happens, the popularity of your resource grows, and the flow of customers increases.

It is worth noting that SEO is a channel that will not give you quick results. But with regular work in this direction, the volume of traffic will grow from month to month, and the results will please you for a long time.

contextual advertising
One of the most popular methods of attracting customers is advertising in Yandex.Direct or Google Ads. You have definitely heard about such channels – this is a paid placement of information about your business in the advertising blocks of Yandex and Google. They are expensive, but they give customers “right now.” Contextual advertising is great for young businesses (get customers right away, no need to wait for the site to be indexed by search engines, etc.).
The price of promotion is high here. Its size depends on many factors: competition, queries you would like to promote, expertise in the intricacies of advertising settings, geography, etc. But this is definitely a channel that you need to pay attention to and which is worth testing for your business. It is recommended to leave the work with this channel to experts, since an independent unprofessional launch can lead to errors and a rapid “drain” of the budget.

Targeted advertising
This is to

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