What is factoring and when is it profitable to use it?
How factoring will unfreeze accounts receivable quickly. How long will you be serving breakfast? I have your delays in the liver! - the head of the shop buzzed in the…

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How do I get multiple deductions in one year?
Let us remind you that the tax deduction gives you the right to return the income tax previously paid to the budget or reduce the tax payable. You can get…

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Auditor VS Management company: when which instrument to choose
Let us recall that in addition to the general meeting of its members, the board of directors and the director, the structure of the company's management bodies can include the…

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Auditor VS Management company: when which instrument to choose
Let us recall that in addition to the general meeting of its members, the board of directors and the director, the structure of the company's management bodies can include the…


3 non-standard cases when a tuition deduction can "burn out"
The tuition deduction is one of the most common deductions for individuals. But this does not negate some cases, in the event of which the deduction for treatment may disappear.…


completely leave

Transport services in the Group of Companies

In the issues of our mailing list, we have repeatedly written about the separation of the company – Custodian of Assets in order to protect the significant property of the group of companies; on the separation of a manufacturing company, etc. Today we will talk about the proper organization of the “transport” function in a group of companies, namely, what opportunities for tax and property security can be provided by building this function in the light of our concept of a Secure Business Platform®.

Own significant property, which in the overwhelming majority is also transport, often belongs to a separate entity of the group, which provides maximum protection against the risks associated with entrepreneurial activity (assets custodian). The reasons for this are obvious and do not require separate explanations. Continue reading

Most Effective Methods

Three main rules
First of all, let’s look at three rules that you need to keep in mind when looking for the right channel to promote your business.

The cost of acquiring a customer must be recouped
Investments may not pay off from the first transaction, but the average cost of attraction should be less than the funds that one paying client brings you for the entire period of interaction with your product (product, work, service). Continue reading

Convertible loan as an investment tool

Тtraditionally, investment transactions are realized through ordinary loans or direct investments (creation of a joint venture or purchase of a stake in an existing company). Today we will consider a difficult but interesting investment instrument – a convertible loan.

Briefly refresh what tasks classical instruments solve
Loans are used when a company (borrower) needs to finance short-term or long-term projects, and an investor (lender) wants to capitalize on this by claiming interest income. Neither the borrower nor the lender is interested in building strong corporate relationships. Continue reading

Margin analysis: which areas and products bring in more money
Let's imagine that confectioner Vasya Yagodkin sells one hundred cakes with raspberries and one hundred with currants every month. Raspberry ones bring him 50,000 rubles, and currants - only 30,000…


Internal IT: development and maintenance of software in the group of companies
Quite often, we see an “internal IT company” in the business structure, which performs a different range of functions - from developing on the 1C platform or writing proprietary warehouse…


Inheritance of shares in LLC
Shares in an LLC are inherited in the standard manner, like other property, including by will, inheritance contract. At the same time, partners often discuss what rights the heirs will…
