Management company for business: opportunities, options and risks
The inclusion of a management company in the legal business model is a common phenomenon. As a rule, the management staff of a business is one and it is impossible…

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Inheritance of shares in LLC
Shares in an LLC are inherited in the standard manner, like other property, including by will, inheritance contract. At the same time, partners often discuss what rights the heirs will…

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Profit and loss statement: how much your business earns
Every businessman wants to know his profit and manage it. A tool called the income statement (OPI) helps to calculate it correctly. We tell you what it is, why it…

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Business inheritance using the Articles of Association and Corporate Agreement
Often, business growth is impossible without attracting partners in its individual areas / projects / companies. And relations with such partners must be pre-regulated and legally secured, which is guaranteed…


7 financial risks in business that can be worth millions
There are always risks in business, and there are many of them. Some cannot be influenced, for example, if the summer in the region turned out to be dry, agribusiness…


client asks

How to receive dividends regularly and without harm to the company

If the company makes a profit, then the owner of the business can receive dividends. But it is often not clear how much you can withdraw and how to do it correctly so that all the money does not suddenly run out.

At Boring Finance, we manage to do things in such a way that it is not scary. Today I will tell you step by step how the regular payment of dividends to our owners, Serezha Krasnov and Sasha Afanasiev, is organized. Continue reading

Convertible loan as an investment tool

Тtraditionally, investment transactions are realized through ordinary loans or direct investments (creation of a joint venture or purchase of a stake in an existing company). Today we will consider a difficult but interesting investment instrument – a convertible loan.

Briefly refresh what tasks classical instruments solve
Loans are used when a company (borrower) needs to finance short-term or long-term projects, and an investor (lender) wants to capitalize on this by claiming interest income. Neither the borrower nor the lender is interested in building strong corporate relationships. Continue reading

On the preparation of an investment declaration by a SEZ participant

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law of 29.11.2014 No. 377-FZ “On the development of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol and the free economic zone in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol” a person intending to obtain the status of a participant in a free economic zone (hereinafter – FEZ), must submit to the authorized management body of the FEZ an investment declaration in the form approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 18, 2015 No. 856.

This is a prerequisite, and an economic entity claiming the status of a FEZ participant must fulfill it. Continue reading

Progressive tax rate
Tax base and set of tax bases When determining the tax base, all incomes of an individual that are received by him both in cash and in kind or the…


Control of operations with cash and property
The institution of mandatory control over transactions with money and other property is one of the basic elements of the functioning of the Russian system for countering the legalization and…


Fitness tax deduction
All citizens who are actively (and not very) involved in fitness and sports now have the opportunity to return part of the money for paid classes. The thing is that…
