Operating leverage: what happens to profit margins if revenues fall. And if it grows up?
Usually business owners are interested in two interrelated indicators: revenue and profit. Revenue shows how much the company earned, and profit shows how much is left after deducting expenses. Most…

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Not a single share ... And again about the motivation of top managers
Increasingly, we are faced with a request from business founders: we want to give top managers shares so that they receive a percentage of profits and are associated with the…

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How to receive dividends regularly and without harm to the company
If the company makes a profit, then the owner of the business can receive dividends. But it is often not clear how much you can withdraw and how to do…

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Margin analysis: which areas and products bring in more money
Let's imagine that confectioner Vasya Yagodkin sells one hundred cakes with raspberries and one hundred with currants every month. Raspberry ones bring him 50,000 rubles, and currants - only 30,000…


How to receive dividends regularly and without harm to the company
If the company makes a profit, then the owner of the business can receive dividends. But it is often not clear how much you can withdraw and how to do…


but little

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Progressive tax rate

Tax base and set of tax bases
When determining the tax base, all incomes of an individual that are received by him both in cash and in kind or the right to dispose of which he has arisen, as well as income in the form of material benefits, determined according to the rules of Art. 212 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1 of article 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, the tax base is determined separately for each type of income, for which different tax rates are established (clause 2, article 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Continue reading

Important changes for cardholders

Increased control over card transactions
Even in that year, it became known about the amendments to the 115th law. Now banks are required to report to Rosfinmonitoring on the following transactions of their clients:

opening a deposit and a deposit linked to a bank card for another person in the amount of 600 thousand rubles or more;

withdrawing a similar amount or crediting it to your own bank card; Continue reading

What is factoring and when is it profitable to use it?

How factoring will unfreeze accounts receivable quickly.
How long will you be serving breakfast? I have your delays in the liver! – the head of the shop buzzed in the tube. Lesha grimaced – the materials were coming to an end and they had to be purchased in order to be in time with supplies for a large buyer.

But there was no money for materials. Even the production workers were not enough for the next salary. It’s a shame! There is no real money that can be spent, but there is a whole snowdrift of receivables in the balance sheet! It was Oleg’s company that bought a large batch, and decided to pay off in two months, as soon as the money would be. Continue reading

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Control of operations with cash and property
The institution of mandatory control over transactions with money and other property is one of the basic elements of the functioning of the Russian system for countering the legalization and…


Fitness tax deduction
All citizens who are actively (and not very) involved in fitness and sports now have the opportunity to return part of the money for paid classes. The thing is that…


Cancellation of imposed insurance
The problem with the imposition of insurance on citizens has been taking place for more than a year. Anyone who has ever had to take a loan knows that the…
