10 mistakes entrepreneurs make in purchasing
Procurement is not only participation in tenders, but also simply the purchase of goods necessary for a business. Purchasing departments or managers play an important role in a company's business…

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Control of operations with cash and property
The institution of mandatory control over transactions with money and other property is one of the basic elements of the functioning of the Russian system for countering the legalization and…

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7 financial risks in business that can be worth millions
There are always risks in business, and there are many of them. Some cannot be influenced, for example, if the summer in the region turned out to be dry, agribusiness…

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Management company for business: opportunities, options and risks
The inclusion of a management company in the legal business model is a common phenomenon. As a rule, the management staff of a business is one and it is impossible…


Tax-free transfer of property in business: which instrument to choose?
Why might a tax-free transfer of property be required? The change of ownership of property by concluding a sale and purchase agreement is recognized as a sale and entails the…


doing business

Tax-free transfer of property in business: which instrument to choose?

Why might a tax-free transfer of property be required? The change of ownership of property by concluding a sale and purchase agreement is recognized as a sale and entails the need to pay VAT and income tax (when applying the general taxation system). In the event that the property is transferred in a single group of companies, the occurrence of tax liabilities is highly undesirable: in fact, the property remains in the ownership of the same beneficiary, and taxes must be paid. In addition, a tax-free transfer (change of ownership) of property in a group may be required:

To increase the level of property security. Obviously, “vital” property for the business should not be in the operating sector. Continue reading

Control of operations with cash and property

The institution of mandatory control over transactions with money and other property is one of the basic elements of the functioning of the Russian system for countering the legalization and laundering of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The fact that Russia has occupied a leading position in the international system of combating money laundering in the past few years is largely facilitated by regular legislative activity to improve the legal regulation of the relations in question. Continue reading

Important changes for cardholders

Increased control over card transactions
Even in that year, it became known about the amendments to the 115th law. Now banks are required to report to Rosfinmonitoring on the following transactions of their clients:

opening a deposit and a deposit linked to a bank card for another person in the amount of 600 thousand rubles or more;

withdrawing a similar amount or crediting it to your own bank card; Continue reading

On the preparation of an investment declaration by a SEZ participant
In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law of 29.11.2014 No. 377-FZ "On the development of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol…


Out-of-court bankruptcy: what is it?
Free bankruptcy The fact that now it will be possible to go through the bankruptcy procedure completely free of charge. The application is made through the MFC, the form is…


Mistakes and risks of financing in the group of companies
You may already be familiar with our analytics on allegations of artificial business splitting, which covered all tax arbitration disputes in the context of "business splitting" in a complete manner.…
