Mistakes and risks of financing in the group of companies
You may already be familiar with our analytics on allegations of artificial business splitting, which covered all tax arbitration disputes in the context of "business splitting" in a complete manner.…

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Types of cash flows: operating, investment, financial
You count the money at the end of the month and see that the expenses are more than the income, which means that it has gone into negative territory. I…

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Sales management in an ERP system
The program implements commercial offers that allow you to record data on negotiations with customers to determine the composition of the nomenclatures and terms of sale. The order itself in…

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Internal IT: development and maintenance of software in the group of companies
Quite often, we see an “internal IT company” in the business structure, which performs a different range of functions - from developing on the 1C platform or writing proprietary warehouse…


Business inheritance using the Articles of Association and Corporate Agreement
Often, business growth is impossible without attracting partners in its individual areas / projects / companies. And relations with such partners must be pre-regulated and legally secured, which is guaranteed…


Tax Code of the Russian

Progressive tax rate

Tax base and set of tax bases
When determining the tax base, all incomes of an individual that are received by him both in cash and in kind or the right to dispose of which he has arisen, as well as income in the form of material benefits, determined according to the rules of Art. 212 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1 of article 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, the tax base is determined separately for each type of income, for which different tax rates are established (clause 2, article 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Continue reading

Control of operations with cash and property
The institution of mandatory control over transactions with money and other property is one of the basic elements of the functioning of the Russian system for countering the legalization and…


5 ways to make your business financially sustainable
The financial strength of a business - like that girl from the 2000s memes - is hard to find and easy to lose. Especially if you don’t know what indicators…


How do I get multiple deductions in one year?
Let us remind you that the tax deduction gives you the right to return the income tax previously paid to the budget or reduce the tax payable. You can get…
