Fitness tax deduction
All citizens who are actively (and not very) involved in fitness and sports now have the opportunity to return part of the money for paid classes. The thing is that…

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Someone turned in a report for you: how scammers use business to their advantage
Some entrepreneurs outsource bookkeeping to professionals to keep records and submit reports. This is a normal situation. But sometimes reports are submitted by unknown people. This is an abnormal situation…

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Not a single share ... And again about the motivation of top managers
Increasingly, we are faced with a request from business founders: we want to give top managers shares so that they receive a percentage of profits and are associated with the…

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The second wave of coronavirus: what should businesses do?
More than half of entrepreneurs have not yet recovered from the first wave of coronavirus, and experts are already predicting a new outbreak. We tell you whether it is possible…


Internal IT: development and maintenance of software in the group of companies
Quite often, we see an “internal IT company” in the business structure, which performs a different range of functions - from developing on the 1C platform or writing proprietary warehouse…


Tax Code of the Russian

Progressive tax rate

Tax base and set of tax bases
When determining the tax base, all incomes of an individual that are received by him both in cash and in kind or the right to dispose of which he has arisen, as well as income in the form of material benefits, determined according to the rules of Art. 212 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1 of article 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, the tax base is determined separately for each type of income, for which different tax rates are established (clause 2, article 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Continue reading

Direct and indirect costs or why it is impossible to count net profit by line of business
In companies with several divisions and branches, it is difficult to calculate the profit of each. You can subtract all expenses from all income and get some value. But this…


How to receive dividends regularly and without harm to the company
If the company makes a profit, then the owner of the business can receive dividends. But it is often not clear how much you can withdraw and how to do…


Fitness tax deduction
All citizens who are actively (and not very) involved in fitness and sports now have the opportunity to return part of the money for paid classes. The thing is that…
