Financial health of a business: 9 indicators for a check-up
It happens that a company looks successful, healthy and rich: every month it opens a new branch, hires two thousand employees and does not leave the front page of Forbes.…

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Exchange-traded bonds for medium-sized businesses
It is no secret that in recent years there has been an interest of individuals in investing, the number of open investment accounts is growing, and the state is supporting…

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Cancellation of imposed insurance
The problem with the imposition of insurance on citizens has been taking place for more than a year. Anyone who has ever had to take a loan knows that the…

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Internal IT: development and maintenance of software in the group of companies
Quite often, we see an “internal IT company” in the business structure, which performs a different range of functions - from developing on the 1C platform or writing proprietary warehouse…


Opportunities for mutual funds for financing in a group of companies
All this is really applicable to mutual funds. A mutual fund, as a tool, has unique properties. However, the high cost of "maintenance" due to the need to comply with…



Inheritance of shares in LLC

Shares in an LLC are inherited in the standard manner, like other property, including by will, inheritance contract. At the same time, partners often discuss what rights the heirs will have, whether they will be able to enter the business on a full-fledged basis and whether they have enough competencies and life experience to participate in decision-making.

We propose to figure out whether it is possible to restrict the entry of heirs into the business and how to provide guarantees for both the heirs and the remaining partners. Continue reading

10 mistakes entrepreneurs make in purchasing

Procurement is not only participation in tenders, but also simply the purchase of goods necessary for a business. Purchasing departments or managers play an important role in a company’s business processes. And this area requires strategic planning. We decided to translate the material of European buyers about the most common mistakes in this industry. The information will be useful for Russian entrepreneurs as well. Continue reading

Auditor VS Management company: when which instrument to choose

Let us recall that in addition to the general meeting of its members, the board of directors and the director, the structure of the company’s management bodies can include the Auditor, whose importance for the founder of a medium-sized business has been undeservedly forgotten. But it is precisely the Inspector who can become the eyes and ears of the owner, controlling the activities of a team of hired top managers.

Often, the owner of a business, and even more often the owner of several businesses, thinks – it would be good not to take part in the current operational activities, entrusting routine processes to hired top management. Continue reading

Business inheritance using the Articles of Association and Corporate Agreement
Often, business growth is impossible without attracting partners in its individual areas / projects / companies. And relations with such partners must be pre-regulated and legally secured, which is guaranteed…


Not a single share ... And again about the motivation of top managers
Increasingly, we are faced with a request from business founders: we want to give top managers shares so that they receive a percentage of profits and are associated with the…


Mistakes and risks of financing in the group of companies
You may already be familiar with our analytics on allegations of artificial business splitting, which covered all tax arbitration disputes in the context of "business splitting" in a complete manner.…
