Auditor VS Management company: when which instrument to choose
Let us recall that in addition to the general meeting of its members, the board of directors and the director, the structure of the company's management bodies can include the…

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3 business analysis questions
Planning is the foundation of any business. Individual planned indicators or industry averages can be used as base ones. To understand whether the intermediate, final performance indicators for the reporting…

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Types of cash flows: operating, investment, financial
You count the money at the end of the month and see that the expenses are more than the income, which means that it has gone into negative territory. I…

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Opportunities for mutual funds for financing in a group of companies
All this is really applicable to mutual funds. A mutual fund, as a tool, has unique properties. However, the high cost of "maintenance" due to the need to comply with…


Convertible loan as an investment tool
Тtraditionally, investment transactions are realized through ordinary loans or direct investments (creation of a joint venture or purchase of a stake in an existing company). Today we will consider a…


purchasing limits

10 mistakes entrepreneurs make in purchasing

Procurement is not only participation in tenders, but also simply the purchase of goods necessary for a business. Purchasing departments or managers play an important role in a company’s business processes. And this area requires strategic planning. We decided to translate the material of European buyers about the most common mistakes in this industry. The information will be useful for Russian entrepreneurs as well. Continue reading

Types of cash flows: operating, investment, financial
You count the money at the end of the month and see that the expenses are more than the income, which means that it has gone into negative territory. I…


What is microbusiness
Starting your own microbusiness is much easier than it sounds. Whether you are making jewelry by hand, printing something for sale or sewing, half the battle is already done. It…


Margin analysis: which areas and products bring in more money
Let's imagine that confectioner Vasya Yagodkin sells one hundred cakes with raspberries and one hundred with currants every month. Raspberry ones bring him 50,000 rubles, and currants - only 30,000…
