Progressive tax rate
Tax base and set of tax bases When determining the tax base, all incomes of an individual that are received by him both in cash and in kind or the…

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The third rule for building a group of companies without signs of artificial fragmentation.
Let's turn to business process notation again. Earlier we decided on the inputs, the activity itself, and the outputs (goals). However, in arbitration practice on artificial fragmentation of a business,…

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Management company for business: opportunities, options and risks
The inclusion of a management company in the legal business model is a common phenomenon. As a rule, the management staff of a business is one and it is impossible…

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Building material for the Group of Companies
Medium business cannot successfully exist within a single legal entity. A group of subjects is always required, otherwise it is impossible to resolve individual issues of property, management and other…


Profit and loss statement: how much your business earns
Every businessman wants to know his profit and manage it. A tool called the income statement (OPI) helps to calculate it correctly. We tell you what it is, why it…


benefit of customers

10 mistakes entrepreneurs make in purchasing

Procurement is not only participation in tenders, but also simply the purchase of goods necessary for a business. Purchasing departments or managers play an important role in a company’s business processes. And this area requires strategic planning. We decided to translate the material of European buyers about the most common mistakes in this industry. The information will be useful for Russian entrepreneurs as well. Continue reading

3 non-standard cases when a tuition deduction can "burn out"
The tuition deduction is one of the most common deductions for individuals. But this does not negate some cases, in the event of which the deduction for treatment may disappear.…


7 financial risks in business that can be worth millions
There are always risks in business, and there are many of them. Some cannot be influenced, for example, if the summer in the region turned out to be dry, agribusiness…


On the preparation of an investment declaration by a SEZ participant
In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law of 29.11.2014 No. 377-FZ "On the development of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol…
