Margin analysis: which areas and products bring in more money
Let's imagine that confectioner Vasya Yagodkin sells one hundred cakes with raspberries and one hundred with currants every month. Raspberry ones bring him 50,000 rubles, and currants - only 30,000…

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Sales management in an ERP system
The program implements commercial offers that allow you to record data on negotiations with customers to determine the composition of the nomenclatures and terms of sale. The order itself in…

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Production accounting in "1C: Management of our company 8"
Capabilities for production accounting "1C: Management of our company 8" allows you to perform comprehensive production accounting - order and serial. With the help of the program, you can control…

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Exchange-traded bonds for medium-sized businesses
It is no secret that in recent years there has been an interest of individuals in investing, the number of open investment accounts is growing, and the state is supporting…


Opportunities for mutual funds for financing in a group of companies
All this is really applicable to mutual funds. A mutual fund, as a tool, has unique properties. However, the high cost of "maintenance" due to the need to comply with…


spend no more

Most Effective Methods
Three main rules First of all, let's look at three rules that you need to keep in mind when looking for the right channel to promote your business. The cost…


Important changes for cardholders
Increased control over card transactions Even in that year, it became known about the amendments to the 115th law. Now banks are required to report to Rosfinmonitoring on the following…


Control of operations with cash and property
The institution of mandatory control over transactions with money and other property is one of the basic elements of the functioning of the Russian system for countering the legalization and…
