necessary to subtract
Management company for business: opportunities, options and risks
The inclusion of a management company in the legal business model is a common phenomenon. As a rule, the management staff of a business is one and it is impossible to divide it between companies. This always leads to the need to search for such a management option, when the owner retains control and influence both on the entire business as a whole and on any of its segments. Despite the economic independence of each subject of the group. This is how a common management company appears. But, as always, important nuances cannot be dispensed with. Continue reading
Tax-free transfer of property in business: which instrument to choose?
Why might a tax-free transfer of property be required? The change of ownership of property by concluding a sale and purchase agreement is recognized as a sale and entails the need to pay VAT and income tax (when applying the general taxation system). In the event that the property is transferred in a single group of companies, the occurrence of tax liabilities is highly undesirable: in fact, the property remains in the ownership of the same beneficiary, and taxes must be paid. In addition, a tax-free transfer (change of ownership) of property in a group may be required:
To increase the level of property security. Obviously, “vital” property for the business should not be in the operating sector. Continue reading
Not a single share … And again about the motivation of top managers
Increasingly, we are faced with a request from business founders: we want to give top managers shares so that they receive a percentage of profits and are associated with the company with long-term interests.
Thanks to world practice, Google and Facebook for illustrative examples of such motivation.
However, often in such a request there is an illusion … an illusion of hopelessness for the very top manager whom we want to motivate. Continue reading