Building material for the Group of Companies
Medium business cannot successfully exist within a single legal entity. A group of subjects is always required, otherwise it is impossible to resolve individual issues of property, management and other…

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Exchange-traded bonds for medium-sized businesses
It is no secret that in recent years there has been an interest of individuals in investing, the number of open investment accounts is growing, and the state is supporting…

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Auditor VS Management company: when which instrument to choose
Let us recall that in addition to the general meeting of its members, the board of directors and the director, the structure of the company's management bodies can include the…

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Internal IT: development and maintenance of software in the group of companies
Quite often, we see an “internal IT company” in the business structure, which performs a different range of functions - from developing on the 1C platform or writing proprietary warehouse…


What is microbusiness
Starting your own microbusiness is much easier than it sounds. Whether you are making jewelry by hand, printing something for sale or sewing, half the battle is already done. It…


developer program

Internal IT: development and maintenance of software in the group of companies

Quite often, we see an “internal IT company” in the business structure, which performs a different range of functions – from developing on the 1C platform or writing proprietary warehouse accounting programs to ensuring the performance of websites and the rest of the infrastructure. And, of course, we could not ignore the IT tax maneuver, which resulted in changes to the conditions for applying reduced rates for insurance premiums.

Why create an internal IT company Continue reading

How to receive dividends regularly and without harm to the company
If the company makes a profit, then the owner of the business can receive dividends. But it is often not clear how much you can withdraw and how to do…


On the preparation of an investment declaration by a SEZ participant
In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law of 29.11.2014 No. 377-FZ "On the development of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol…


How to receive dividends regularly and without harm to the company
If the company makes a profit, then the owner of the business can receive dividends. But it is often not clear how much you can withdraw and how to do…
