Control of operations with cash and property
The institution of mandatory control over transactions with money and other property is one of the basic elements of the functioning of the Russian system for countering the legalization and…

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Production accounting in "1C: Management of our company 8"
Capabilities for production accounting "1C: Management of our company 8" allows you to perform comprehensive production accounting - order and serial. With the help of the program, you can control…

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Financial health of a business: 9 indicators for a check-up
It happens that a company looks successful, healthy and rich: every month it opens a new branch, hires two thousand employees and does not leave the front page of Forbes.…

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Fitness tax deduction
All citizens who are actively (and not very) involved in fitness and sports now have the opportunity to return part of the money for paid classes. The thing is that…


Someone turned in a report for you: how scammers use business to their advantage
Some entrepreneurs outsource bookkeeping to professionals to keep records and submit reports. This is a normal situation. But sometimes reports are submitted by unknown people. This is an abnormal situation…


specific business

The third rule for building a group of companies without signs of artificial fragmentation.

Let’s turn to business process notation again. Earlier we decided on the inputs, the activity itself, and the outputs (goals). However, in arbitration practice on artificial fragmentation of a business, there are several criteria at once for charges related to management and ownership. Rule # 3 is about management and owners.

What’s wrong here:

in order to avoid interdependence between the companies of the group, so-called proxies are introduced into the ownership structure – nominal, that is, they do not really participate in business processes, packaged in a specific legal entity. Continue reading

Preferential loans for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
The state provides loans to businesses for resuming operations and for expenses related to the borrower's business activities. The funds issued are not earmarked; they can be used not only…


Preferential loans for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
The state provides loans to businesses for resuming operations and for expenses related to the borrower's business activities. The funds issued are not earmarked; they can be used not only…


How to receive dividends regularly and without harm to the company
If the company makes a profit, then the owner of the business can receive dividends. But it is often not clear how much you can withdraw and how to do…
