Convertible loan as an investment tool
Тtraditionally, investment transactions are realized through ordinary loans or direct investments (creation of a joint venture or purchase of a stake in an existing company). Today we will consider a…

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The third rule for building a group of companies without signs of artificial fragmentation.
Let's turn to business process notation again. Earlier we decided on the inputs, the activity itself, and the outputs (goals). However, in arbitration practice on artificial fragmentation of a business,…

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Production accounting in "1C: Management of our company 8"
Capabilities for production accounting "1C: Management of our company 8" allows you to perform comprehensive production accounting - order and serial. With the help of the program, you can control…

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Control of operations with cash and property
The institution of mandatory control over transactions with money and other property is one of the basic elements of the functioning of the Russian system for countering the legalization and…


The third rule for building a group of companies without signs of artificial fragmentation.
Let's turn to business process notation again. Earlier we decided on the inputs, the activity itself, and the outputs (goals). However, in arbitration practice on artificial fragmentation of a business,…


million rubles

Financial health of a business: 9 indicators for a check-up

It happens that a company looks successful, healthy and rich: every month it opens a new branch, hires two thousand employees and does not leave the front page of Forbes. But then – again, and bankruptcy. This happens when the owner looks only at the size of the company or turnover, and these are not the indicators that really reflect the financial health of the business. About those – in the article. Continue reading

How to get through the off-season without cash gaps

In the spring and summer, the company had strong sales, and in late autumn, winter and early spring it had to take out loans and overdrafts. They figured out how to fix it, and in just three months they assembled an airbag for six months.

Our hero company is a manufacturing and construction business. Demand directly depends on the work of construction sites, therefore, as soon as they start active work, the company starts earning. And when the construction site freezes, the company takes loans and credits. This went on for 7 years – during the idle period, the company took loans, and then in the season paid them and interest. Continue reading

When you can’t do without an agency agreement

We have repeatedly talked about the pros and cons of an agency agreement (see, for example, here), pointing out the need for a deliberate approach to the use of the tool, having a strong justification for the business purpose. Indeed, as practice shows, the use of the agency model of building relationships in a group of companies is mentioned in more than 10% of all cases related to the artificial fragmentation of a business.

However, there are situations when the specifics of doing business and the industry do not leave a chance to avoid an agency agreement. Continue reading

Direct and indirect costs or why it is impossible to count net profit by line of business
In companies with several divisions and branches, it is difficult to calculate the profit of each. You can subtract all expenses from all income and get some value. But this…


3 business analysis questions
Planning is the foundation of any business. Individual planned indicators or industry averages can be used as base ones. To understand whether the intermediate, final performance indicators for the reporting…


Important changes for cardholders
Increased control over card transactions Even in that year, it became known about the amendments to the 115th law. Now banks are required to report to Rosfinmonitoring on the following…
