business depending
The third rule for building a group of companies without signs of artificial fragmentation.
Let’s turn to business process notation again. Earlier we decided on the inputs, the activity itself, and the outputs (goals). However, in arbitration practice on artificial fragmentation of a business, there are several criteria at once for charges related to management and ownership. Rule # 3 is about management and owners.
What’s wrong here:
in order to avoid interdependence between the companies of the group, so-called proxies are introduced into the ownership structure – nominal, that is, they do not really participate in business processes, packaged in a specific legal entity. Continue reading
Opportunities for mutual funds for financing in a group of companies
All this is really applicable to mutual funds. A mutual fund, as a tool, has unique properties. However, the high cost of “maintenance” due to the need to comply with a number of mandatory procedures makes mutual funds inaccessible and inappropriate for mass use.
Having rich experience in structuring a business using bold decisions and non-standard combinations of various organizational and legal forms, we will make a small remark – the effects achieved with the help of mutual funds are purely individual. Continue reading
5 ways to make your business financially sustainable
The financial strength of a business – like that girl from the 2000s memes – is hard to find and easy to lose. Especially if you don’t know what indicators to monitor and what to work on in these “difficult relationships”.
Someone thinks that if he just covers his expenses and does not allow cash gaps, then he is quite well on his feet. But it’s not that simple. For a company to be considered financially sound, it must easily adapt to a changing market and grow in profit and capital even during the shake-up. Our five-step guide will help you achieve this. Continue reading