Operating leverage: what happens to profit margins if revenues fall. And if it grows up?
Usually business owners are interested in two interrelated indicators: revenue and profit. Revenue shows how much the company earned, and profit shows how much is left after deducting expenses. Most…

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Business inheritance using the Articles of Association and Corporate Agreement
Often, business growth is impossible without attracting partners in its individual areas / projects / companies. And relations with such partners must be pre-regulated and legally secured, which is guaranteed…

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Production accounting in "1C: Management of our company 8"
Capabilities for production accounting "1C: Management of our company 8" allows you to perform comprehensive production accounting - order and serial. With the help of the program, you can control…

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Control of operations with cash and property
The institution of mandatory control over transactions with money and other property is one of the basic elements of the functioning of the Russian system for countering the legalization and…


How to get through the off-season without cash gaps
In the spring and summer, the company had strong sales, and in late autumn, winter and early spring it had to take out loans and overdrafts. They figured out how…


Monthly Archives: January 2022

Operating leverage: what happens to profit margins if revenues fall. And if it grows up?

Usually business owners are interested in two interrelated indicators: revenue and profit. Revenue shows how much the company earned, and profit shows how much is left after deducting expenses.

Most likely, if the revenue is higher, then the profit will increase. On the contrary, it also works: if the revenue falls, then the same will happen with the profit. And everything would be very simple if there was a direct relationship between the indicators. But no: the revenue may sink just a little, and this will lead to large losses. Continue reading

Direct and indirect costs or why it is impossible to count net profit by line of business

In companies with several divisions and branches, it is difficult to calculate the profit of each. You can subtract all expenses from all income and get some value. But this approach is not entirely correct. Rather, it would be to understand the direct and indirect costs, calculate the gross profit and only in this way determine the efficiency of the business.

Why exactly and what all these parameters mean – we will consider in this article. Continue reading

The second rule of building a group of companies without signs of artificial fragmentation.

The second rule concerns what tax lawyers and consultants usually call a “business goal”, which taxpayers often start looking for exactly at the moment when they receive a notification about the appointment of an on-site tax audit.

What usually goes wrong:

there is no causal relationship between decisions made to change the legal structure of a group of companies and changes in the effectiveness of business processes; Continue reading

7 financial risks in business that can be worth millions
There are always risks in business, and there are many of them. Some cannot be influenced, for example, if the summer in the region turned out to be dry, agribusiness…


Preferential loans for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
The state provides loans to businesses for resuming operations and for expenses related to the borrower's business activities. The funds issued are not earmarked; they can be used not only…


Profit and loss statement: how much your business earns
Every businessman wants to know his profit and manage it. A tool called the income statement (OPI) helps to calculate it correctly. We tell you what it is, why it…
