3 non-standard cases when a tuition deduction can "burn out"
The tuition deduction is one of the most common deductions for individuals. But this does not negate some cases, in the event of which the deduction for treatment may disappear.…

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Finance Phantom
Business inheritance using the Articles of Association and Corporate Agreement
Often, business growth is impossible without attracting partners in its individual areas / projects / companies. And relations with such partners must be pre-regulated and legally secured, which is guaranteed…

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What is microbusiness
Starting your own microbusiness is much easier than it sounds. Whether you are making jewelry by hand, printing something for sale or sewing, half the battle is already done. It…

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Building material for the Group of Companies
Medium business cannot successfully exist within a single legal entity. A group of subjects is always required, otherwise it is impossible to resolve individual issues of property, management and other…


Cancellation of imposed insurance
The problem with the imposition of insurance on citizens has been taking place for more than a year. Anyone who has ever had to take a loan knows that the…


bank accounts

Important changes for cardholders

Increased control over card transactions
Even in that year, it became known about the amendments to the 115th law. Now banks are required to report to Rosfinmonitoring on the following transactions of their clients:

opening a deposit and a deposit linked to a bank card for another person in the amount of 600 thousand rubles or more;

withdrawing a similar amount or crediting it to your own bank card; Continue reading

How to get a tax deduction
Mortgages are now in great demand and many banks offer borrowers different conditions. It often happens that you take a mortgage at one percent, then time passes and another bank…


How to get a tax deduction
Mortgages are now in great demand and many banks offer borrowers different conditions. It often happens that you take a mortgage at one percent, then time passes and another bank…


Let's break it down into ions: writing off perishable food
The life cycle of a perishable can be from several hours to several years, but the shorter it is, the higher the risk of write-offs, so management must be clearly…
